Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Freedom of the highway...ahh Byron Bay

This week has been a wild cocktail of tears, heart ache and finding my way. I took some time out and went to Byron Bay for a few days. I became a couch dweller. I laughed, cried and talked my heart out. I drank too much, danced all night, slept all day and ate disgusting, delicious chips and watched bad tv. I let my hair get dirty. I went make-up free. I asked questions. I found answers. I walked along the beach and felt my heart opening up to the world, the future, the things I want and the things that need to change. I re-connected. I blasted old songs in my car and felt the freedom of the highway bringing me back to life. I made promises to myself. I let go. I found myself again and it felt amazing.

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